



A vital component of life is health. However, as people move toward fast food in order to save time and the speed of life quickens, food knowledge is dwindling quickly. This has a severe impact on health and shortens lifespans due to early diseases brought on by obesity and poor diet quality. A single point of contact where someone can essentially outsource their eating habits and food recommendations is still lacking, despite the fact that there are many nutrition and fitness apps available.
By creating an ecosystem of full stack health management apps integrated with currently existing data-backed apps and an AI-generated recommender system, we hope to deliver health management and a better quality healthy life. The user of our app may initially check the nutritional information of their meal with just a single click, as well as link our app with fitness devices and google/apple fitness apps for health data and have the app suggest meals for the day automatically. This would not only enable the user to spend less time contemplating food, but also to be aware of the daily exercise schedule along with answering the basic question “what I have to cook today?”.


Nowadays students are more inclined towards the application end without having basic conceptual clarity. Students are sometimes afraid or reluctant to know the concept behind crucial terminologies of their domain. Some terms require a great emphasis and without knowing some of the basic terminologies, students cannot have a sound grip of the course outcomes. Proper linkage between concepts is not well defined in current sources of web and students must explore multiple sources to acquire a single concept, which can lead to loss of interest if a student must navigate different sources for examples and diagrams etc. The idea of this project is to compose a knowledge repository of all STEM concepts. We are focused to bridge the gap between university and industry by providing conceptual clarity to students in STEM related courses. Knowledge repository is composed with appropriate assessments with the help of Subject Matter Experts and Knowledge Group Heads.
The main goal of this project is to provide an all-encompassing hub of knowledge for anyone at any stage of learning, minimizing, and eliminating the drawbacks of already existing e-learning platforms. As well as allowing anyone to contribute to the catalog of concepts on the platform while making certain that they maintain a preset criterion. This is ensured using a hierarchy of roles that review, evaluate, and maintain the concepts and contributors to guarantee that any added concept, quiz, or diagram is up to the mark and serves its purpose properly.
In addition to the above the project also seeks to bridge the gap between industry and the potential candidates, using an employer’s profile. Approval Chain Concepts are at the core of Intelligent Grepbing hence it was elemental that there be a proper procedure that must be followed to compose a new one. The first step is the creation of Template Concepts by the Knowledge Group Head (KGH). Following the guidelines set by the relevant Template Concept a contributor can propose a new concept for a certain course. This concept in turn is checked by the KGH for their approval upon getting which concept goes live on the platform for learners to benefit from.


GoGrow-CPD is a web application that connects graduates with the trainers via employers to ensure on job training of the human resources and to provide a pool of skillful resources to excel together. GoGrow-CPD is a next step of Grepbing where the daily learning pattern and achievements of the learners are showcased to the employer because one pager CV or a transcript is insufficient to comment on the in depth knowledge of the candidate. Suitability and right placement is the key feature of this application.


Criclions is the application with following core features: Managing street cricket, and intra & inter-city tournaments is very difficult when it comes to track real time ball-to-ball update and complexity increases when there are tournaments having multiple teams with many players and limited number of resources (grounds etc.)
CricLions is a mobile app that is being developed by HamsanTech. It will revolutionize street cricket as well as big tournaments as it will allow teams/administration to track live matches & keep history of tournaments. Besides this, it will also solve problems of player profiles, ground availability, scheduling matches etc.
Goal of this app is to revolutionize street cricket and HamsanTech is already in contact with 150+ teams consisting of approximately 2000 players who will be end users at the start. The ultimate goal of this app is to connect it with Pakistan Cricket Board to let this app be used nationwide.


Most of the highly educated females cannot contribute to the country’s economy just because of no support for kids at home. If mothers are comfortable about the well being of their kids, they can perform their jobs to the best of their capacity along with creating jobs for maids, babysitters, drivers etc.
It is being observed that children are more confident and productive, when they interact with their peers. Daycare offers such a great opportunity to children where they can have fun with the kids of their age. Proper monitoring of the children’s activity is important to ensure their well being.
Child care is an important aspect of upbringing a child either if she is in daycare or under mother care. Her sleeping, eating and other habits play a very important role in the strong foundation of her upcoming life. Achieving milestones is also a crucial aspect of child well being that helps in deciding the involvement of external help on time in case of autism and slow learner cases for instance.